Basics: Running Up Hills

Watch the Movie
Step 1. Make sure you know the basics
Step 2. Draw the hill
Step 3. Move the hill to the bottom of the screen
Step 4. Make the cat run up the hill
Extra Credit! Run back and forth

Watch the Movie

Can you figure out how to make the cat run across the platform and up the hill when you press the right arrow key?

Step 1. Make sure you know the basics

If you don’t know how to make the cat run, please go to Getting Started: Run to learn the basics. Then come back here!

Step 2. Draw the hill

Draw a new sprite that looks like a platform ending in a hill. Make sure that you name your sprite platform.

Step 3. Move the hill to the bottom of the screen

How would you use the commands below to make sure the hill (platform sprite) is at the bottom of the screen every time you click the green flag?


  • You’ll need to change the numbers in the go to command.

Step 4. Make the cat run up the hill

To make the cat run up the hill, you need a little magic.

Begin by moving the cat to the bottom of the screen using the two commands that you used for the hill (although with different numbers for x: and y: positions.

Now, can you figure out how to assemble the commands below so that when you press the right-arrow key the cat runs across the platform and up the hill?


  • For the cat sprite, you’ll need to click the turn settings button with arrows that point sideways. Can you find this button? What does it do?
  • You’ll also need the commands listed below.
  • You’ll need to change the order of the commands.
  • You’ll need to change the numbers in some of the commands.

Extra Credit! Run back and forth

Can you figure out how to make the cat run to the right when you press the right arrow key and to the left when you press the left arrow key?

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