Color Wheel

The Goal
Step 1. Draw a circle
Step 2. Make the circle spin
Step 3. Make many circles from one
Step 4. Sparkle
Step 5. Finishing your project

The Goal

Here’s the project that you’ll create:

This project was inspired by goch at

Step 1. Draw a circle

Watch the movie below to learn how to draw a colored circle for this project. There’s a trick!

Make sure you watch the movie to learn the trick, and then draw the circle yourself!

Step 2. Make the circle spin

In this step, we’ll make the circle spin like in the movie below.

Hint! You’ll need the commands below to make the circle spin. Can you figure out how to do it?

Step 3. Make many circles from one

You can use two new commands to make many circles appear from the circle you created.

Watch the movie below to see where we’re headed.


  • You’ll need to add the commands in green below to your script. (You don’t need to add the information in yellow. That information is just to help you understand what the commands do.)

  • There’s a magic number that you must enter into the turn command. Here’s a hint to help you find it. Count the number of circles in the movie above, and then think about the number of degrees in a circle. Can you figure out from that hint how many degrees the circle must turn before it stamps itself?

Step 4. Sparkle

You’re at the final step! You need to make the circle sparkle as it spins. Watch the “goal” movie above to see what we mean.


  • Add the command below to make the circle sparkle.

  • Try changing the number in the command and see how it affects the sparkle.

Step 5: Finishing your project

Based on what you’ve learned, can you change your project so that it looks like completed project you saw at the beginning of this lesson?


  • You’ll just need to add one more sprite.
  • You’ll need to change the colors of the sprites.

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